

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How many travelers will be there as part of a group tour?
Ans. The number of travelers varies depending on the destination. The usual group size for an Indian tour is between 30 to 40 guests. Speciality tours may have different group sizes.

Q2. Can I extend my stay while on a group tour?
Ans. Yes, you can extend your stay on a group tour. Additional charges may apply for extending your stay before or after the tour. Please inform your travel agent at the time of booking.

Q3. Does Himachal Travel Delight book train tickets?
Ans. Yes, Himachal Travel Delight can book train tickets with the Indian Railways. If you want to purchase Indian Railway tickets, you can inquire with them.

Q4. Does the tour itinerary change on tour?
Ans. Yes, the tour itinerary can change during the tour due to external circumstances such as airline, hotel, sightseeing, transport issues, or force majeure events. Guests are notified of any changes while on tour.

Q5. Can I modify or change my booking after confirmation?
Ans. Yes, in select cases, you can modify your booking after confirmation. Consult your travel advisor for such modifications, and additional charges may apply. These FAQs provide helpful information for travelers regarding group sizes, extending stays, train ticket bookings, potential itinerary changes, and the possibility of modifying bookings after confirmation.

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